VitrinaBox is an innovative technology which “transforms” physical spaces (e.g. stores, showrooms, museums) into Interactive Virtual Walkthroughs available for online users to browse and shop anytime, anywhere!

The Emphasis experience it was a full journey with many important benefits (like actual market insights) and proved to be the true prize of the competition. We would like to thank, once again, both Cardlink and the ACEin for their contribution!
The VitrinaBox Team
How did they collaborate?
ACEIN invited us to take part in the Emphasis competition by Cardlink which offered us the unique opportunity to collaborate with ACEIN members and Cardlink executives in order to create and launch a PoC (proof of concept) for a small retail store. This project exposed us to interesting discussions with Cardlink members regarding our product and allowed us to gain valuable insights on the application of our technology to fit the needs of small-medium size enterprises. The PoC confirmed that our platform is not only useful for large businesses with established e-commerce activities such as IKEA, Intersport and Public with which we have had the pleasure of working. In fact, the use of VitrinaBox as a showcasing and commerce platform could prove equally rewarding for small businesses with minor digital presence looking to modernise, as it generated sales leads by creating user interaction with both space and products.

Giannakopoulos Fashion Store created a Virtual Showroom with the usage of VitrinaBox Platform and self-managed the virtual tour as an alternative e-shop!

The IT department of Skechers Greece managed to pleasantly surprise us. While they created a Facebook App and embed it the Virtual Walkthrough on @SkechersGreece’s Facebook page.