The aim of the ENINEDU project is to study the practical importance of modern methods, their place in the curriculum and measurement of the learning outcomes, the preparation of an integrated standard in a business-university cooperation system that is suitable for each partner country, as well as analytical studies on national reference legislation in EU countries regarding the university cooperation with local actors and organizations. The general aim of the project is to enhance the business and Higher Education institutions cooperation in the project’s consortium countries by changing the paradigm of education. The improvement of such cooperation would result in the gradual effectiveness increase of national development strategy, priority fulfilment, as well as change the graduate entrepreneurship and employment situation.
Five main constraints currently limiting the advancement of entrepreneurship education have been found, to which eTime will seek to provide effective and sustainable responses:
- limited entrepreneurial education expertise and experience of academic staff and a prevalence of ad hoc involvement of entrepreneurs
- confused objectives for entrepreneurship education with a weak match between objectives on the one side and on the other side the didactics, pedagogies, teaching formats and materials and learning outcome assessment tools in use;
- missing entrepreneurial mindset of educators, as they have never been involved in entrepreneurial activities
- dominance of individually-driven initiatives, which are limited in terms of their replication, scalability, interdisciplinarity and systematic international links and
- lack of easy access to proven practices in entrepreneurship education and time constraints of the educators needing to learn about them

Title: EU-XCEL European Virtual Accelerator
The project’s mission was to:
- Increase the number of incubator-ready tech entrepreneurs across Europe
- Encourage cross-European entrepreneurship collaboration across the digital economy
- Develop a network of tech-creative physical and virtual entrepreneurship spaces across Europe
- Prototype and roll-out an EU-XCEL Virtual Accelerator platform of tools and supports to empower teams to develop real products of promise
- Provide fast-track access to new markets through networking and pitching opportunities in new countries
- Incentivize and inspire the next generation to pursue professional careers in tech-entrepreneurship
With an action plan to:
- Deliver a week-long intensive entrepreneurial training named “Start-up Scrum” across the six European countries of Ireland, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Poland and Spain
- Provide online mentoring and technical supports to EU-XCEL teams to develop their start-up ideas through a bespoke European Virtual Accelerator
- Select the best start-up scrum teams to compete in an EU-XCEL Ultimate Challenge Final where they will pitch to leading venture capitalists, angel investors and successful entrepreneurs
Ultimately, the EU-XCEL European Virtual Accelerator was seeking to identify and empower aspiring young tech entrepreneurs to become ‘incubator ready’ with real products of promise in the areas of:
- Internet of Things;
- Health Informatics;
- Big Data
- ICT4Development;
- Predictive Analytics; and
- E-/M-Commerce.
TAKE-UP generally aims at uplifting the potential of Pakistani Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the area of entrepreneurial culture, especially the development of entrepreneurial skills in students by improving the coaching processes of students, researchers and alumni with strong entrepreneurial intentions. The challenges at Pakistani HEIs are primarily related to formulating and following up on strategies for establishing an entrepreneurial culture, which the project aims to achieve by focussing on the role of entrepreneurial coaches (also sometimes referred to as start-up consultants or business development managers) and enhancing their capacity and skills to assist the aforementioned target groups. As the challenges for coaching future entrepreneurs do not remain static but are rather dynamic (depending, for example, on the economic situation, trends in certain business areas), one more goal is the creation of a platform across Pakistan that facilitates the regular exchange on issues of entrepreneurial coaching, while at the same time showcasing achievements to increase impact on other non-project-partner HEIs.
Title: Advancing Strategic Management, Leadership and Fundraising in Higher Education in Asia
ASTRA aims at contributing to one of the most common difficulties that HEIs face in developing countries, which is securing enough financial resources for promoting their research and development activities. The proposed project aims at enhancing the financial sustainability of 4 HEIs in Laos and Thailand by utilising 2 sources: programmes funded by international donours and provision of R&D consulting services to private clients and NGOs / CSOs.