Innovation and Culture program - "Proof of Concept" ("PoC")

As partner of the Smart Attica European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH), the Athens Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the Athens University of Economics and Business is organizing the Innovation and Culture program – “Proof of Concept” (“PoC”) focusing on Culture, with the support of the Science Agora – Innovation to Society Technology Transfer Hub.
Submit your application by March 8th here.
What are the “Challenges”
Art and Culture play a crucial role in shaping the culture of a place, but they also significantly contribute to the economy, competitiveness, and employment of a country. Today, their role in promoting innovative ideas, igniting positive social change, and achieving a positive social impact is increasingly emphasized. Within the framework of the PoC program, the goal is to highlight and support research and business proposals that combine art and culture with modern technologies and open up new perspectives in the field, offering solutions to existing “challenges” of the sector while achieving a positive social impact. Indicatively, proposals could cover the following thematic areas:
- Integration of new technologies (e.g., AI, ML, AR/VR/MR, 3D, IoT, Analytics, etc.) in the culture sector.
- New business models in culture and creative industries.
- Innovation in the production and promotion of cultural content.
- Management of intellectual property rights in culture and creative industries.
- Accessibility and inclusion of the international audience.
- Solutions that promote and enhance culture and sustainable development.
- Management and preservation of cultural heritage.
- Other broader issues related to culture and creative industries.
The “Proof of Concept” (“PoC”) program targets:
- Researchers and research teams wishing to commercialize research results, which could be applied in the field of culture,
- Business teams and startups developing products/services related to the program's thematic areas,
- Innovative SMEs already possessing new technologies, products, or services and wishing to share their solution with the market.
Support & Funding
- €10,000 to €15,000 PoC funding (for up to 3 proposals selected based on specific evaluation criteria).
- Dedicated coaching services provided by experienced professionals of the Smart Attica EDIH.
- Dedicated coaching services provided by experienced professionals of the Science Agora Technology Transfer Hub.
- Mentoring services for the development of innovative business models and the implementation of "PoC" provided by a wide network of specialized executives and mentors .
- Participation in "Matchmaking and Pitching" events aiming at creating opportunities for participants to meet and connect with market and industry partners.
Phase #1
Deadline of submission of proposals – March 8th, 2024
Evaluation of proposals and announcement of results – February – March 2024
Phase #2
Participation in “Matchmaking & Networking” events – April – May 2024
Final Presentations of shortlisted proposals – June – July 2024
Phase #3
Implementation of “PoC” – September – December 2024
Participation in the Final Demo Event – January 2025
More information about the Program, you can find here. Contact the organizing committee at